
Showing posts from June, 2015

The Shemitah Unraveled: What 2015-2016 Could Bring

The Shemitah Unraveled: What 2015-2016 Could Bring  The 'Shemitah' happens every seven year Biblical cycle. We are in the current one from September 2014 to September 2015. From Sept. 2015 to Sept. 2016 will be called a Super Shemitah---the year of Jubilee. Excerpt from the article---"The Shemitah is meant to be a blessing, but when Israel turned away from God it became "a sign of judgment on a nation that has driven God out of its life." Are we in the end of the end times? I believe we are. Is it possible that we are about to enter the Tribulation period? The last day of a Shemitah is called "wipe-out day". It really feels like everything is speeding up and escalating. The sheep is being separated from the goats. We need to be prepared for judgement upon America. I believe the rapture of the church is closer than ever. Of course God is not bound by these cycles, but America is headed for horrible judgements. The next three months could

My life's testimony of struggling between good and evil

What an historic week this has been! Many states are taking the Confederate flag down in public places and off the shelves in stores, because of Dylan Roof using it as a symbol of hate as he committed mass murder in a predominantly black church. Obamacare was upheld by the Supreme Court making it here to stay, and the Supreme Court also decided that homosexual marriages are now legal in all 50 states. All three events have completely leveled America into a cesspool of filth. What I want to say is going to be hard. I have struggled with getting this out in the open for a long time, but I feel like the Lord wants me to be frank with the public---now that homosexual marriage is the law of the land. I am coming out of the closet---not as being a homosexual---but as an ex-homosexual and also a victim of childhood sexual abuse. There was a time in my life that I would have rejoiced at the Supreme Court ruling on same sex marriage, but now as a blood bought believer in Christ Jesus I can no

Confederate flag under attack!

The Confederate flag is being taken down from public places and off store shelves because it was used a symbol of hate in the Charleston mass murders. Okay, now this just totally makes me want to blow a gasket! This is so unacceptable because the Confederate Flag has nothing to do with racism. It served as the official national flag of the Confederate States of America.It is the 'rebel' flag---widely recognized as the symbol of the American South. It is our heritage.  This country has gone haywire in the changing of America's traditions. It is most certainly not the country I grew up in. I don't recognize America anymore. This nation gets more socialist leaning as time goes by.  Now it is most unfortunate and very sad that my black (their not 'African' American) brothers and sisters in the Lord lost their lives from a deranged racist who used the Confederate flag as a hate symbol. I feel for Charleston and the family and friends of the deceased. But that i