The Sleeping Bear Has Awakened From His Nap!
Since the ending of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Russia and the United States began to have new opportunities to cooperate. Although both nations continued to have disagreements over many areas, both worked toward a better relationship. In 1986 President Ronald Reagan and Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev came close to agreeing to eliminate all nuclear weapons and share the so-called Star Wars defense technologies.
Obama imposed several sanctions against Russia back in March of 2014 concerning the Ukraine crisis. The first sanction was Executive Order 13660 which imposed sanctions on individuals and entities that violated the Ukrainians sovereignty or stealing their assets. Several more were imposed in 2014 as well---thus straining the relationship between Obama and Putin. The House of Representatives just recently passed a resolution on March 23rd of 2015 to ask Obama to send weapons to Ukraine. We shall see where this leads.
International sanctions hasn't helped deter Russia's blood-lust for power and control. According to Michael Auslin of, "Putin will not re-form the Soviet Union overnight, but history is a long-run thing, and taking Crimea today and maybe eastern Ukraine next week is just the opening act." Putin has been compared to Hitler for trying to stay in power at all costs and his thirst for conquest.
Putin wants the Soviet Union back! The Russian bear has fully awakened! WW3 is in the beginning stages. Can you see it? If Putin can seize Ukraine's Crimean seaport then Russian forces can go right into Turkey (which is an ally of Russia), cross the Black Sea into allied countries of Syria, Lebanon and then invade Israel. I don't think Putin will stop at Crimea though.
Like Obama, I believe Putin is put into place by God for such a time as this. Putin is hardcore, ex-KGB who longs for the old Soviet Union. If I were Putin I would also try with all my might to take control of Romania and Bulgaria which would be a way to get ground troops into Israel. What battleships can't take over the Black Sea, ground troops can get it there by land.
Look at this map and see for yourself what I am predicting.
I also seriously believe that Greece will have a part in Putin's invasion of Israel because he is becoming fast friends with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. Greece could become Russia's newest ally and allow Russia to set up bases near the border of the Aegean Sea, so they could travel right into the Mediterranean Sea and attack Israel on that front. The Bible does say that Israel will be surrounded by all sides in an upcoming future war.
Why am I writing about this? Because even if believers in Christ are here or not when these invasions eventually happen, it still affects us now. We are now seeing the groundwork being laid for future wars and WW3. It is clear with the alignment of countries taken place whose sides everyone will be on in future battles and wars. This is important to understand because world economy comes into play. American economy will get worse. Gas prices are already moving on up again---and it won't stop there!
Secular expert economists have been predicting for quite awhile now about America experiencing another depression. It has been said that the 1930s Great Depression could very well pale in comparison to this future depression. Now that is scary stuff isn't it? Wall Street stock market crashes, food prices soar, housing market experiences astronomical foreclosures, corporations, franchises, private businesses and even Mom & Pop stores closing, jobs lost, crime skyrockets and people going hungry!
Now no matter what you think of Glen Beck, this above video report rings true. Much is starting to happen and the Ezekiel 38-39 war is on the horizon---which will probably be or lead into WW3. Massive buildup in and around Syria! This could very well be the start of Isaiah 17 Bible prophecy of the total destruction of this capital city of Syria. I believe that those two prophecies are part of the next world war coming upon us.
The Rapture of the believers in Christ is very near. 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17 says: For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. (NIV)
Red Alert people! We are so close! Be faithful Bereans by searching the Scriptures for Truth, having an attitude of humility and respect towards others and to whomever God sends our way. Being Berean not only means having a passion for the Truth, but also a Christ-like love for one another---those in the Body of Christ and those who aren't. Let us keep our eyes focused on Heaven awaiting the Blessed Hope instead of quarreling with one another and letting our flesh rule in other areas.
Remember this. Whatever we have to face here on earth, God is with us through it all. Romans 8:31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
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