What If?
Have you thought about how fast the days, months and years fly by? Before you know it you've gone from being a child, teen, young adult, middle-age adult and then all of a sudden you are in your senior years.
Our lives go by so fast and with each day we are closer to death. Do you think of death and dying? Wonder about life after death? Or are you one who believes that there is nothingness after death?
Do you ever wish you could live forever? Guess what? You will live forever. Well, you do have to die first, or in case of the Rapture be changed into an incorruptible body. You will become immortal though.
You say you don't believe that? Do you think scientists will discover the secret of ending death and living forever? Or do you say that you think you will be reincarnated, and come back as something else? Or, do you think your consciousness will exist in another plane?
Neither of the above. You will exist forever in Heaven or Hell. Your choice. You will be immortal either in endless tranquility, love, beauty and praise, or in endless chaos, hate, ugliness, and cursing. God doesn't want you in Hell and He doesn't send us to Hell. We all have free-will and it is that free-will---our choices in life that will send us to Hell if we don't accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior.
From the time that sin entered the world with the fall of Adam and Eve we needed a bridge to get back to God. Before Christ, under the old covenant, mankind had to continually make sacrifices to get temporary forgiveness of sins. These animal sacrifices were commanded by God so that people could experience the forgiveness of their sins The spotless animal was the substitute---it died in place of the sinner. Since we always sin more sacrifices had to be done over and over.
You say you don't believe in God? That is sad because He believes in you! He loves you and wants to make you a forever child of His, but you have to come to God through His only son Jesus. Jesus is the only way to Heaven! (John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. KJV) You can't get to Heaven through any other religions. Not through Buddha, Mohammad, Krishna, humanism, or just by plain doing good works! Jesus is the requirement.
The word “believe” in the Bible means more than simply agreeing in our minds that something might be true. It means “trust”—that we believe so strongly in God that we are willing to commit our lives to Him and live the way we know He wants us to live.
Suppose you were walking along a path and you came to a bridge which crossed a deep canyon. You might look at it and believe that it would hold you, and you might even see other people walking across it so you know it would hold your weight. But so far, your “belief” in the bridge is only in your head. When do you really believe the bridge will hold you? You only really believe it when you are willing to commit your life to it and actually walk across it.
It is the same way with Christ. Yes, we can believe that God exists, but God wants us to come to know Him personally. And He has bridged the gap between us by sending His Son to remove the barrier of sin and become that “bridge.” To believe in Christ is to commit our lives by faith to Christ—to trust Him personally as our Lord and Savior. Our prayer is that you will come to truly believe in Christ.
Truly being saved is more than just saying a prayer. If you were sincere asking Him to come into your life, then your life does change. Your actions and thoughts become more Christ-like and you want to please Him and not do the sinful things you used to do.
We are human so some sins and addictions take time to dissipate from our lives. Get into God's Word. Try to study and read daily. That is a hard one for a lot of us. Get into a Bible believing church and fellowship with others if possible. Fellowship is not required but is most effective in helping with our walk in Christ. Don't ever let others or Satan come between you and your walk with God.
I pray this helps someone out there. I love you all in Christ Jesus and want you to know Him...before it is too late.
Jehovah God---not Allah (Allah and Jehovah are not the same), tells us in John 3:16 : For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. (NAS version)
So, first we have to believe in Christ. But what does the Bible say about that? James 2:19 You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that---and shudder. (NIV version)
So simply believing that God/Jesus exists is not enough. Here is a good answer from the Billy Graham .org website:
Suppose you were walking along a path and you came to a bridge which crossed a deep canyon. You might look at it and believe that it would hold you, and you might even see other people walking across it so you know it would hold your weight. But so far, your “belief” in the bridge is only in your head. When do you really believe the bridge will hold you? You only really believe it when you are willing to commit your life to it and actually walk across it.
It is the same way with Christ. Yes, we can believe that God exists, but God wants us to come to know Him personally. And He has bridged the gap between us by sending His Son to remove the barrier of sin and become that “bridge.” To believe in Christ is to commit our lives by faith to Christ—to trust Him personally as our Lord and Savior. Our prayer is that you will come to truly believe in Christ.
Being a Christian is having a personal relationship with Jesus.That is what Christianity is all about---it isn't just another religion---it is the way to eternal life with God. Jesus is God in the flesh. (John 10:30 I and the Father are one. ESV version) God made a way to connect with humans by becoming human. He didn't have to leave His throne in Heaven to dwell among us and later die on a cross bearing the world's sins. He chose to---because He loves us so.
Now if you still say that you don't believe in God, let me ask you a question. What if? You see you can't disprove he doesn't exist. What if you are wrong? If you die without accepting Jesus you automatically go to Hell forever. There are no second chances after death. Wouldn't you rather take a chance and believe---than later find out you were horribly wrong?
Here is a song that has some serious thought provoking lyrics about what if you're wrong. Please listen before continuing to read.
No one will be without excuse. We were all born with a 'God Spot' that has God tugging on every heart of every man, woman and child alive. Even if you have never heard of God, you still know that there is something more. Everyone will be held accountable for the way we have lived our lives. No one will go to Hell if that don't deserve it. God will do right for those who have never heard of Him.
God calls to all of us, Jesus knocks on the door of our hearts, and the Holy Spirit stirs and beckons our spirits for us to receive the Lord of lords and the King of kings. Come come all who are thirsty to drink the living water! John 4:14 but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life (NAS version).
Okay, I am not a saint. I am a sinner saved by grace. I will be the first one to tell you that I need a savior. Oh and Jesus is not a crutch---He's the lifeboat---my anchor! Without Him I am lost. I am writing this because I care about you. I don't want you to die in your sins. I am talking to all those who are not saved. Some of my family---even immediate family, friends, acquaintances and those I don't know.
Here is how to receive Christ:
Go to God in prayer (on your knees if possible) and tell Him you believe in Him and that you believe that He sent Jesus to die on the cross for your sins and that He rose again. Confess all your sins, ask for God to forgive you and that you want to turn from your sins. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and be your Lord and Savior. Then tell him thank you for saving you and giving you eternal life. Be sincere! God knows who is for real and who isn't. God won't be mocked.Truly being saved is more than just saying a prayer. If you were sincere asking Him to come into your life, then your life does change. Your actions and thoughts become more Christ-like and you want to please Him and not do the sinful things you used to do.
We are human so some sins and addictions take time to dissipate from our lives. Get into God's Word. Try to study and read daily. That is a hard one for a lot of us. Get into a Bible believing church and fellowship with others if possible. Fellowship is not required but is most effective in helping with our walk in Christ. Don't ever let others or Satan come between you and your walk with God.
I pray this helps someone out there. I love you all in Christ Jesus and want you to know Him...before it is too late.
Well Written and constructed, Lori. :D
ReplyDeleteWell thank you Dad! That means a lot to me since it is coming from someone who doesn't share my views AND who is a published author! Thank you!
DeleteLooks good, waiting to see what lurks behind that mind of your. lol
ReplyDeleteUmm, thank you I think...LOL