Do you Spare the Rod and Spoil Your Child?

Here is a verse I would like to get feedback from.
 The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left [to himself] bringeth his mother to shame. Proverbs 29:15 (KJV)

Who all here used physical discipline with their children? At what age did you stop? What other behavioral corrections were implemented? What are your thoughts about physical discipline in today's modern world?

When my youngest was little I did spank him sometimes with my hand, then with a paddle when he was older. This was only for offenses that I thought warranted a spanking. Most of his offenses called for standing in a corner, taking privileges away. being grounded, extra chores or even writing sentences over and over again. Those were my choice corrections of behavior. I want to say punishments---or is that not so good to use? Then again I think 'behavioral corrections' is too PC. LOL...

When my son was about 14 or so (I think it was around that age) I stopped with the spanking. I used all the other methods. I know there are many who don't believe in spankings but for me and my son they worked for the most part. I firmly believed and still believe that if you don't physically spank, your child will be a spoiled brat. Hope that didn't offend anyone there but that is just my beliefs because the modern proverb, "Spare the rod and spoil the child" comes from all the verses in the Holy Bible pertaining to correctly disciplining your child.

Read these verses and muse about them.

: "Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die."
 "Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell (Shoel)." Proverbs 23:13,14 (KJV)

 "Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him." Proverbs 22:15 (KJV)

 The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left [to himself] bringeth his mother to shame. Proverbs 23:13 (ESV)

Whoever spares the rod hates their children,
    but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.  Proverbs 13:24 (NIV)

 The Bible clearly tells parents to physically strike their child to discipline them. Quite different than what these modern psychiatrists and psychologists tell you not to do---because it will damage the child. Yeah? Really?  Are they greater-minded then God?

Here is a quoted piece of an article from GotQuestions . org that I want to share: 

"Some people believe in discipline, but not in physical discipline such as spanking. However, the Bible is the final word on what is truth; it is not mere opinion or theory. The word rod indicates a thin stick or switch that can be used to give a small amount of physical pain with no lasting physical injury. A child should never be bruised, injured, or cut by a physical correction. The Bible warns that parents should never abuse the power and authority they have over their children while they are young because it provokes the children to righteous anger (Ephesians 6:4; Colossians 3:21). Physical discipline is always done in love, never as a vent to the parent’s frustration. It is also just one part of discipline and should be used when the child shows defiance to a clear limit, not in the heat of the moment".

I think whether a parent(s) is/are rich or poor, Conservative or Liberal, Christian or not, spanking a child is the right thing to do sometimes when it is necessary. Modern psychology will tell you that it is detrimental to the child to be physically disciplined. Oh really!?  How about our parents, grandparents and so forth? Did they all turn out to be mental cases?

Our older generations, for the most part, turned out just fine. It is today's children that are in need of real solid and loving parenting. Parents that try to be a friend to their child are making huge mistakes. When they are young it is crucial to let them know who is boss. You are the parent and must be respected. Be firm but loving!

 Be firm but loving. This is not always easy to do because sometimes we as parents let our anger get the best of us. There is a fine line when it comes to physical disciplining a child and abusing a child. We all have to be very careful when correcting our children. When they are grown, then it is time to not only be their parents, bit also to be their friends as well.


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