Treason? Treason? That is the biggest laugh Bill Weld! All you Rhinos and DemonRats are the problem, not Trump. Why, I even bet that you are part of the world-wide election fraud against President Trump. Ever since Trump announced his candidacy, the Deep State, or should I say Swamp has tried coup d'état.
I am one of the Red=Blooded, Christian-Conservative Trump supporters that KNOWS what the real deal is...and that is Treasonous Crooks have taken over this country, and for their tyranny everyone involved including Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Jill Biden, maybe brother Biden, the Obamas, Kamala Harris and her husband, the Clintons, George Bush, Laura Bush, Jeb Bush (daddy Bush Sr. was already executed), Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, the Squad, many other DemonRats and Rhinos in the House and Senate, George Soros, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, pretty much all Democrat Governors and some Rhino Governors, and many, many more around the world including world leaders...Needs to be arrested and face a military tribunal, put in prison for life either in Gitmo or a SuperMax prison.
But Biden, Harris, Pelosi and other key players needs to be executed by the United States military for messing with us Americans ---We the People---and the Constitution! Instead of the WEF's Great Reset...America needs a purge of the evil-doers and We need a reset!!! If we Patriots can't get evil rooted out by the books...then it's 1776 all over again!!! Fight Tyranny! These tyrannical scumbags will someday get justice. Either here on earth or before the Great White Throne on Judgement Day before God! But I pray that it is here because they make me and other Real Americans sick to our stomachs that this is happening to our beloved country.
This is not all about Trump. It is also about messing with the legal citizens of the United States. We true red-bloodied Americans of the TWO genders need not be complacent about this illegal takeover of America. By the way, many of these tyrants are involved in pedophilia and sex trafficking. That's another reason we need to purge!
I'm all for wicked people having the opportunity to turn from their wicked ways and getting right with the Lord Jesus. I really wish many of these people would repent and ask Jesus to be Lord and Savior. That would be wonderful! Yet, they would still have to be punished here on earth though...but at least God will grant them mercy by accepting Christ. But on the other hand, if they don't repent they all need to pay and pay dearly for their crimes! Then pay in everlasting Hell for all eternity!
By the way you evil government officials. I am a big fan of those who stand up to you in Congress! Especially Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green! My hero!
Bill Weld: Trump Committed Treason; Execution "The Only Penalty" - The New American
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