The Media, UN, and Hillary ---the Choice Candidate for the Global Community

Alternative Media is where the real news is. Mainstream media... including FOX NEWS is biased, censored and yes government controlled to a certain extent. I don't trust what I hear anymore on any of the major news stations because they cover up and lie to the American people about what is really going on in the area of politics and world events. They report what the government says it's okay to report. 

That's why I read, watch and listen to Alex Jones, Breibart, Drudge Report and other people like Lisa Haven. They tell it like it really is. A lot of people used to not take Alex Jones, and others like him seriously because they called them conspiracy nuts. Well, too much has been proven true by these people who fearlessly report on what is really going on. Our government wants us to think all conspiracy theories are false.

So called conspiracies of yesterday is fact today. There is a global agenda to unite all nations under a one world government. There has been and still is FEMA camps that have barbed wire facing inward, and guard towers to someday be utilized to keep American citizens locked up. Anyone who is a threat to the existing US government will someday be rounded up during martial law and imprisoned in these camps. 

Proof of camps and Executive Orders for imprisonment of Americans

According to the FBI and military handbooks on terrorism, true red-blooded American patriots who want to protect the Constitution, those who are anti-abortion, gun owners and advocates, those who believe in end time prophecies, including Christians, and others are called potential domestic terrorists and subject to being rounded up into FEMA camps if so ordered.

Potential Terrorists

Our government is NOT for the people anymore! Too much corruption in both parties. I may be anti-government, but I am not anti-American. The American people need to take back this country before the Globalists destroys us.The American government needs to be restored back to the checks and balances of the Judicial, Legislative and Executive branches.

The United States Supreme Court has NO business making federal laws from the bench! That is what the Legislative Branch was created for. Judges have NO right imposing new laws on anyone. The Judicial Branch has overstepped and gone a muck as well. And of course there has been much abuse of power in the Executive Branch. The POTUS has NO right whatsoever trampling on the Constitution by trying to change the laws of the United States with the stroke of a pen!

  Hillary Clinton is the choice candidate for the Globalists agenda of the US. If she wins, we will have continued Obama policies --- but on steroids! She will make sure that she succeeds in taking America down.  She will take what Obama started and perfect it for the ultimate agenda of the UN... the dismantling of America's sovereignty. 

Hey, believe it or not! But just don't take my word for it and blindly believe what I say!   Research this yourselves people! The problem with so many of us today is that we are so gullible, believing what people say and not researching it ourselves. This goes for what the mainstream media says, our politicians, our Congress, our teachers and professors, and even our pastors! Research! Research! Research! Get your head out of the sand and find the real truth!

Proof of Clinton involvement, among others, of UN Agenda 21 

Think I am whistling Dixie about one world government? Here is an old video of Walter Cronkite receiving a Governance Award and of Hillary promoting global governance.

  I'm sure there are some of you who doesn't understand what is going on, and there are some who do, but haven't kept up to speed with globalism and terms such as New World Order, One World Government, Global Community and United Nations Sustainability. That is why I am explaining and showing links to what I am talking about. It is important to be knowledgeable and to stay abreast in these matters that are important to our country.

 There has been an agenda to bring America to her knees and incorporate her into the Global Community for decades. Since the creation of the League of Nations in 1920, with President Woodrow Wilson being the chief promoter, there has been an eerie agenda to bring nations together under global governance.
 This was formed after WW1 to maintain peace among the nations, but world powers such as the UK, France, Italy, etc. didn't feel comfortable following Woodrow Wilson's list of 14 points, thus causing this organization to quickly become obsolete. 

Yet, another more powerful organization rose... The United Nations. In 1945 this was created for the world's governments to establish international cooperation to prevent another world war. In the beginning this sounded great, but over the years the UN has become much more powerful...even to the point of eventually overseeing the 2016 presidential election! Tell me this: Why as a sovereign country, are we allowing foreigners ---non--- US citizens to monitor the upcoming election?  

Chronological Order of the New World Order
UN Sustainable Development
Obama and UN Announce Global Police Force to Fight 'Extremism' in the USA
Obama Invites Hundreds of Foreigners To Monitor Election

Why? Because Obama asked. And what Obama wants, Obama usually gets because most of Congress either doesn't care, or they are too wimpy to stop him This is sinister to me because foreigners shouldn't be meddling in America's affairs...especially when it's dealing with our voting process of the next president of the United States! 

It's the perfect setup to make sure Hillary R Clinton becomes the next POTUS. She is the Globalist's choice candidate...and here we are allowing Obama to bring in people from other countries. Here we are allowing Obama to get away with this...well that's par for the course. 

Billionaire George Soros, has funded an October surprise that could very well end Trump's chance to win the White House. It's a campaign to register 8 million 'Global Citizens' to vote. Please read and see the videos on this link. Something that really needs your attention if you care about the US Constitution.

October Surprise to End Trump

Even Obama weighed in about Trump never becoming president. He says he has faith in the American people that Trump won't be elected. No...that's not why. Why... it's because he has faith in the hundreds of foreigners who will be 'monitoring' the election...or should I say 'rigging the election'!
Obama Insists That Trump Will Not Be Next POTUS

A Hillary Clinton presidency will be like no other. I have always believed that Obama would be our last POTUS. I believed this way back when he was a junior senator running for president. I even have an article on my blog about that. He just may be our last president and our worst president. Of course I don't say that because of his color, because I was totally for Ben Carson in the beginning of the presidential race. 

If Hillary wins, she will have the title of President of the United States, but that is not what she will really be.  She will be dictator of the United States and will be a puppet (she is now) to the leaders of the New World Order. They will dictate to her everything that needs to be done to finally destroy this country.

The Republican establishment is nothing but a bunch of fools--- they don't know their butt from a hole in the ground! They should get behind Trump and support him fully. He may not be what they want him to be in a presidential Republican candidate, but he's it...and it's either him or Hillary. So far they are helping Hillary.

I am for Trump because I love this country and want this country to keep it's sovereignty, and for all American citizens to remain free guaranteed by our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
 I am for protecting our borders to keep out people that could harm our country. I am for immigration; after all America has always been known as the melting pot of the world. We are all immigrants in this land of ours, but we need to keep this country from illegals coming in to harm us and gain benefits that only legal Americans should get. 
I am for a large and strong military that can easily protect our country
I am for protecting our Constitution and Bill of Rights from being trampled on.

Keep our country alive, keep our country safe and keep our country free!


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