This just makes my blood boil too! I am so angry I could spit nails at the leaders responsible for bringing charges against this hero! I will tell you something right now---if we don't stand behind our heroes by speaking up and taking action, then we are all a bunch of sissy weaklings!
Defend our military men and women who try to protect us from terrorist scum! Are we going to sit back and let Lt. Commander Timothy White and other heroes like him be punished for protecting us??? This needs to go viral--share my blog---(or if reading on Facebook share my post) because we all need to start taking a stand for what is right---because if we don't we won't have any remnant left of this once great nation.
We people have the power to stop our corrupt and renegade government from destroying our Constitutional rights. It is nothing but pure evil to charge this man! Our military is called our Armed Forces---yet our government wants them unarmed. Our military men and women need to be able to not only protect us from abroad, but here at home as well.
I know about the Posse Comitatus Act which states:
The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878 by President Rutherford B. Hayes. The purpose of the act – in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807 – is to limit the powers of the federal government in using its military personnel to act as domestic law enforcement personnel.
This just makes my blood boil too! I am so angry I could spit nails at the leaders responsible for bringing charges against this hero! I will tell you something right now---if we don't stand behind our heroes by speaking up and taking action, then we are all a bunch of sissy weaklings!
Defend our military men and women who try to protect us from terrorist scum! Are we going to sit back and let Lt. Commander Timothy White and other heroes like him be punished for protecting us??? This needs to go viral--share my blog---(or if reading on Facebook share my post) because we all need to start taking a stand for what is right---because if we don't we won't have any remnant left of this once great nation.
We people have the power to stop our corrupt and renegade government from destroying our Constitutional rights. It is nothing but pure evil to charge this man! Our military is called our Armed Forces---yet our government wants them unarmed. Our military men and women need to be able to not only protect us from abroad, but here at home as well.
I know about the Posse Comitatus Act which states:
The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878 by President Rutherford B. Hayes. The purpose of the act – in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807 – is to limit the powers of the federal government in using its military personnel to act as domestic law enforcement personnel.
Okay, that is quite understandable. We do not want our military going rogue and policing our civilians. We live in a very much different society than 1878. We are in a different kind of war now---the on-going War On Terrorism. That changed on 9/11 when we were attacked on our home front.
Since 9/11 terrorist attacks have increased in America. There are many Islamic 'sleeper cells' waiting for the word to attack us. There is the ISIS threat---which now has recruited many American Muslims or Muslim converts. I am sick of our government and the main stream media downplaying attacks such as Fort Hood, Boston Marathon, Chattanooga and others as something other than what it is----Islamic Terrorism!
So, now that we Americans face a viable threat from these terrorists living in the States and others sneaking over the borders, we need to protect ourselves more than ever. You think the Obama administration is going to protect us? Yeah right---think Benghazi and what is already happening here at home. More Americans need to take up arms to protect each other---and against a rogue US government if need be. DO NOT allow your guns and ammunition to be taken!
The US military needs to revise their rules on not allowing their servicemen and servicewomen to carry concealed weapons on base and in public. Since military bases and recruiting centers are what you call 'gun-free zones', they are in increased danger of being targeted by terrorists. Eliminate gun-free zones and arm they for goodness sake! Our heroes deserve to protect themselves and their families too. If all of those fallen heroes would have been armed, that terrorist scumbag may have not killed any of them. He would have been shot dead instantly!
Let's get the law changed to where our military personnel can carry concealed guns on base and in public! They should have the right to defend as civilians do. Before members of the military can be allowed to carry a concealed gun--- I feel the same way as I do about civilians carrying concealed firearms.
Before carrying any firearm around in everyday life, you should have to be trained in shoot and no shoot situations, use of force law, shooting while moving, how to deal with first responders, pass a shooting qualification with your pistol, and go through an extensive background and mental health check..
It's not that I don't trust all of our soldiers to immediately carry firearms---it's just that we need to make sure that un-treatable PTSD or any other serious mental disorder doesn't affect a good judgement call.If a disorder is managed with medicine, then that serviceman or servicewoman deserves to carry a concealed firearm.
You tell me this. Was that Hell-bound piece of crap's life more important than the protection of those fallen men? Heck no! So are we going to get vocal about this and support Lt. Commander Timothy White? If this is allowed to happen to our military members, don't think it won't happen to us as well. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the government charged a civilian for shooting or killing a sub-human Islamic terrorist. Why? Because clearly Obama and his cronies are Islamic sympathizers.
Oh and let me talk about my anger. You might say, 'Oh Lori is angry and Christians shouldn't get angry like that---and isn't that suppose to be a sin'? Well, according to God's Holy Word it says in Ephesians 4:26: Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, Yes I am angry, I am very angry! But my anger is a righteous anger---like God's anger upon sin and His upcoming wrath upon those who are evil. All evil people will go to Hell and await their day for Judgement to an eternal Lake of Fire. If a Islamic terrorist or anybody else tried to hurt me or others in my presence, I would not hesitate to help send them there!
So, in conclusion here are the words of Robert Heinlein, "An armed society is a polite society".
Let's get the law changed to where our military personnel can carry concealed guns on base and in public! They should have the right to defend as civilians do. Before members of the military can be allowed to carry a concealed gun--- I feel the same way as I do about civilians carrying concealed firearms.
Before carrying any firearm around in everyday life, you should have to be trained in shoot and no shoot situations, use of force law, shooting while moving, how to deal with first responders, pass a shooting qualification with your pistol, and go through an extensive background and mental health check..
It's not that I don't trust all of our soldiers to immediately carry firearms---it's just that we need to make sure that un-treatable PTSD or any other serious mental disorder doesn't affect a good judgement call.If a disorder is managed with medicine, then that serviceman or servicewoman deserves to carry a concealed firearm.
You tell me this. Was that Hell-bound piece of crap's life more important than the protection of those fallen men? Heck no! So are we going to get vocal about this and support Lt. Commander Timothy White? If this is allowed to happen to our military members, don't think it won't happen to us as well. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the government charged a civilian for shooting or killing a sub-human Islamic terrorist. Why? Because clearly Obama and his cronies are Islamic sympathizers.
Oh and let me talk about my anger. You might say, 'Oh Lori is angry and Christians shouldn't get angry like that---and isn't that suppose to be a sin'? Well, according to God's Holy Word it says in Ephesians 4:26: Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, Yes I am angry, I am very angry! But my anger is a righteous anger---like God's anger upon sin and His upcoming wrath upon those who are evil. All evil people will go to Hell and await their day for Judgement to an eternal Lake of Fire. If a Islamic terrorist or anybody else tried to hurt me or others in my presence, I would not hesitate to help send them there!
So, in conclusion here are the words of Robert Heinlein, "An armed society is a polite society".
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