
Showing posts from March, 2015

The Sleeping Bear Has Awakened From His Nap!

Since the ending of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Russia and the United States began to have new opportunities to cooperate. Although both nations continued to have disagreements over many areas, both worked toward a better relationship. In 1986 President Ronald Reagan and Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev came close to agreeing to eliminate all nuclear weapons and share the so-called Star Wars defense technologies.  Obama imposed several sanctions against Russia back in March of 2014 concerning the Ukraine crisis. The first sanction was Executive Order 13660 which imposed sanctions on individuals and entities that violated the Ukrainians sovereignty or stealing their assets. Several more were imposed in 2014 as well---thus straining the relationship between Obama and Putin. The House of Representatives just recently passed a resolution on March 23rd of 2015 to ask Obama to send weapons to Ukraine. We shall see where this leads.  Internation...

Do you Spare the Rod and Spoil Your Child?

Here is a verse I would like to get feedback from.  The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left [to himself] bringeth his mother to shame. Proverbs 29:15 (KJV) Who all here used physical discipline with their children? At what age did you stop? What other behavioral corrections were implemented? What are your thoughts about physical discipline in today's modern world? When my youngest was little I did spank him sometimes with my hand, then with a paddle when he was older. This was only for offenses that I thought warranted a spanking. Most of his offenses called for standing in a corner, taking privileges away. being grounded, extra chores or even writing sentences over and over again. Those were my choice corrections of behavior. I want to say punishments---or is that not so good to use? Then again I think 'behavioral corrections' is too PC. LOL... When my son was about 14 or so (I think it was around that age) I stopped with the spanking. I used all the other method...

A Parents Prayer for their Prodigal Grown Child

 A Parents Prayer for their Prodigal Grown Child Lord , help me for I am traveling a lengthy road--- carrying a sea of emotions into a forest of shadows. Fighting fear with faith , as I struggle not to implode--- Putting on the full Armor of God to strike Lucifer's deathblow. Yeah, the enemy came and has stolen what's mine, What used to be my pride and joy---my grown child. Now the demons of Hell has snatched my bloodline--- Standing on the Word I say my child will no longer be beguiled! For my God says there is power in prayer --- Ask and you shall receive says the Lord. So Satan , keep your hands off my flesh and blood I do declare! Come back to me and God through the power of the double-edged Sword ! By Lori Suzanne Furr 03/06/2015

Your Redemption Draws Near

Oh so very true! Every day we are all one day closer to death. We never know when we will draw our last breath. With everything happening in the world today, many people are fearful about what could come next. WW3 could be on the horizon. If you be in Christ, faith is opposite of fear. We who belong to Him should not be afraid of what is going to happen. God will take care of His own. It is a time to get right with God. If you left Him, come back to Him. If you never knew Hi m, I would be happy to help lead you to Him. Jesus is knocking on the door of your hearts. Don't be a fool and ignore Him! Time to forsake your humanist views and come to Christ before it is too late. Psalm 14:1 Fools say to themselves, "There is no God." They are corrupt and commit evil deeds; not one of them practices what is good. (NIV) Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (NIV) John 3:16 "For God so lov...