Learn the Dangers of Sharia Law
I posted an article on Facebook about Alabama (one of many states) banning Islamic Law. My son had to go and put an article on my page comparing Islam and Christianity. How can people be so dense! Now do you really see Christians going around beheading and bombing people? How can people compare the two? It is like apples and oranges!
Islam is a hate-mongering religion that commands to kill non-Muslims. In college I read the Koran in World Religions and I have seen with my own eyes hate-filled messages sura after sura. The Hadith is just as bad.
For those who think this law is not so bad and don't give a flip if it does come to America, you better wake up and smell the hate because non-Muslims would be subjected to the lack of mercy of Sharia law. You do not want this coming to America whether you are conservative or liberal!
Now I know you Liberals and Conservatives out there value such freedoms as free speech, women's rights, eating different meats, freedom to cartoon whoever you want, American justice and sentencing, and many other freedoms. Oh and for some of you ---even homosexuality and same sex marriages. You do know that Muslims kill homosexuals don't you?
Now you have to realize that this is not a good thing that the Muslims want Sharia law here.
Do you really want people being stoned to death over misdemeanor crimes.
Do you want young children to have their limbs ran over with car tires?
Do you want to see Muslim fathers kill their daughters in Honor Killings?
Do you want to see women be sexual pawns for men and have no rights?
Oh and there is much more!!! So what if this came from someone's blog. All of this is true about Sharia law. Do your own research if you don't believe it!
People this is NOT a political or religious issue! So what if you are ultra-conservative or ultra-liberal. This is about our Constitution---our American rights. The right to be treated fairly with respect and dignity. The right to be your own individual.
Sharia law takes that away. You say that is just a Muslim thing---that it can't affect you? Your wrong. It is alarming how Islamic Sharia law is taking over in non-Muslim countries. The UK is really battling this. It is spreading like wildfire! It needs to be nipped in the bud. Educate yourself in everything Islam. Then see if you have your same lackadaisical opinions. I guarantee your eyes will finally be wide open to the truth.
Please read about Sharia law from this blog.
Sharia Law for Dummies
Islam is a hate-mongering religion that commands to kill non-Muslims. In college I read the Koran in World Religions and I have seen with my own eyes hate-filled messages sura after sura. The Hadith is just as bad.
For those who think this law is not so bad and don't give a flip if it does come to America, you better wake up and smell the hate because non-Muslims would be subjected to the lack of mercy of Sharia law. You do not want this coming to America whether you are conservative or liberal!
Now I know you Liberals and Conservatives out there value such freedoms as free speech, women's rights, eating different meats, freedom to cartoon whoever you want, American justice and sentencing, and many other freedoms. Oh and for some of you ---even homosexuality and same sex marriages. You do know that Muslims kill homosexuals don't you?
Now you have to realize that this is not a good thing that the Muslims want Sharia law here.
Do you really want people being stoned to death over misdemeanor crimes.
Do you want young children to have their limbs ran over with car tires?
Do you want to see Muslim fathers kill their daughters in Honor Killings?
Do you want to see women be sexual pawns for men and have no rights?
Oh and there is much more!!! So what if this came from someone's blog. All of this is true about Sharia law. Do your own research if you don't believe it!
People this is NOT a political or religious issue! So what if you are ultra-conservative or ultra-liberal. This is about our Constitution---our American rights. The right to be treated fairly with respect and dignity. The right to be your own individual.
Sharia law takes that away. You say that is just a Muslim thing---that it can't affect you? Your wrong. It is alarming how Islamic Sharia law is taking over in non-Muslim countries. The UK is really battling this. It is spreading like wildfire! It needs to be nipped in the bud. Educate yourself in everything Islam. Then see if you have your same lackadaisical opinions. I guarantee your eyes will finally be wide open to the truth.
Please read about Sharia law from this blog.
Sharia Law for Dummies
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