
Showing posts from February, 2015

Learn the Dangers of Sharia Law

I posted an article on Facebook about Alabama (one of many states) banning Islamic Law. My son had to go and put an article on my page comparing Islam and Christianity. How can people be so dense! Now do you really see Christians going around beheading and bombing people? How can people compare the two? It is like apples and oranges! Islam is a hate-mongering religion that commands to kill non-Muslims. In college I read the Koran in World Religions and I have seen with my own eyes hate-filled messages sura after sura. The Hadith is just as bad. For those who think this law is not so bad and don't give a flip if it does come to America, you better wake up and smell the hate because non-Muslims would be subjected to the lack of mercy of Sharia law.  You do not want this coming to America whether you are conservative or liberal! Now I know you Liberals and Conservatives out there value such freedoms as free speech, women's rights, eating different meats, freedom to cartoon w...

What If?

Have you thought about how fast the days, months and years fly by? Before you know it you've gone from being a child, teen, young adult, middle-age adult and then all of a sudden you are in your senior years.  Our lives go by so fast and with each day we are closer to death. Do you think of death and dying? Wonder about life after death? Or are you one who believes that there is nothingness after death? Do you ever wish you could live forever? Guess what? You will live fore ver. Well, you do have to die first, or in case of the Rapture be changed into an incorruptible body. You will become immortal though. You say you don't believe that? Do you think scientists will discover the secret of ending death and living forever? Or do you say that you think you will be reincarnated, and come back as something else? Or, do you think your consciousness will exist in another plane? Neither of the above. You will exist forever in Heaven or Hell. Your choice. You will be immorta...

Showdown With Syria Soon?

I have been thinking about the Isaiah 17 prophecy lately. Since ISIS is based in  Raqqa, Syria which is approximately 5 hr 44 min the shortest route, I can't help but wonder if that is why Israel will someday nuke the capital. After all ISIS has said that they have nuclear weapons and have threatened to destroy Israel. ISIS could very well take a counter-clockwise route through Damascus to get very near to Israel. On a side note here...I adamantly believe that the capital of Syria is chock full of weapons of mass destruction that was transported out of Baghdad to Syria! The Bible does mention in Isaiah that northern and central Israel will be attacked and have casualties. I firmly believe that ISIS will be the sole reason of this attack. Although Jordan has a peace treaty with Israel and considers them a powerful ally, King Abdullah sides with the US on pressuring peace and giving up more land to the Palestinians for a future Palestinian state.  As of right now Jordan and...