U.S. Steps Up Fight to Block ISIS Volunteers

WASHINGTON — As a 19-year-old man passed through security at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport on Saturday, federal authorities executed a plan they have honed across the country in the past year.
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It really bothers me that the U.S. is just now stepping up to screen and investigate Americans traveling to Middle Eastern countries that might turn or have turned Benedict Arnold on us. This is a very serious matter that needs to be taken care of more diligently or many more Americans will die on U.S.soil from those who are now traitors to this country.

I can't wrap my head around the so-called Americans who want to convert to a religion of hate and violence  and betray their country by fighting with the enemy. No matter what Obama says or anyone else, ISIS is Islamic and our fight is with Islam! Many people have a tendency to say, 'Oh, they are not following the Koran because Islam is a religion of peace' or 'Oh, they are the radical Islamic fundamentalists. Not so!

Islam is not divided. There are no radical or moderate Muslims. The Muslims in America and other countries that don't have a violent bone in their body or consider themselves 'moderate' are not following their religion one hundred percent. Islam is a religion of violence by the sword. I have read and studied the Koran and Hadith and they clearly advocate violence and murder to all people who oppose them, especially Christians and Jews. We are all considered the 'infidels'.

ISIS means business people. They seek to strike terror and kill and they are waging a war with us and other countries. The Obama administration needs to stop pussy-footing around and treat this as war! We are at war! Any American who goes to the Middle East and joins ISIS is a traitor and should be tried and convicted of treason. I think they should be put to death by a military tribunal. If they don't get death then a long sentence. If still living when sentence is served, then that person should have their citizenship permanently revoked and booted out of the U.S.A. forever. That is the way it should be. You don't respect this country then get out.


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