Showing posts from February, 2021
Double Masking? You're Crazy!
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Double-Masking And Mask Fitters: This Is What The CDC Recommends In Its Latest Mask Guidelines Wearing a cloth mask over a surgical mask or knotting the loops of a single mask for a snug fit provide more protection than a surgical mask alone, the CDC said. Rest of article at link below. Yes, it is real, but it is a variation of the flu and nothing more. People die from the flu all the time and it sometimes goes into pneumonia. I know because it did three times with me because of my health problems---diabetes, asthma, COPD bronchitis/emphysema etc.. This Covid-19 was intentionally created as a bio-weapon to deliberately cause a worldwide pandemic. This mask wearing, social distancing and lockdowns are all part of conditioning and brainwashing people into doing what the government says without question. Now, the CDC is actually pushing for people to double mask!!! I have already seen people doing this. It's so...
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Treason? Treason? That is the biggest laugh Bill Weld! All you Rhinos and DemonRats are the problem, not Trump. Why, I even bet that you are part of the world-wide election fraud against President Trump. Ever since Trump announced his candidacy, the Deep State, or should I say Swamp has tried coup d'état. I am one of the Red=Blooded, Christian-Conservative Trump supporters that KNOWS what the real deal is...and that is Treasonous Crooks have taken over this country, and for their tyranny everyone involved including Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Jill Biden, maybe brother Biden, the Obamas, Kamala Harris and her husband, the Clintons, George Bush, Laura Bush, Jeb Bush (daddy Bush Sr. was already executed), Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, the Squad, many other DemonRats and Rhinos in the House and Senate, George Soros, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, pretty much all Democrat Governors and some Rhino Governors, and many, many more around the world including world leader...
President Biden Signs Executive Orders and Other Presidential Actions
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If you notice that it looks like President Trump went right by the window outside as Biden was signing his Executive Actions. People, Biden is NOT in the Oval Office and he is NOT signing EO's. This is all for show. Trump is still in charge! Biden, Harris, and other Deep State players have been arrested or will be. Many have been imprisoned or already put to DEATH!
Kiss My Grits You Liberals! President Trump Was the Best POTUS Ever!
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Nobody will top President Trump. He was the best! It's a horrible crying shame that a sleepy, creepy, hair-sniffing, corrupt politician, the REAL racist, election fraudster, and most possibly pedophile is sitting in the Oval Office. He will never be my President. Heck, for that matter he isn't even YOUR President ---because he wasn't duly elected! Mark my words, he won't be POTUS long before the evil demons declare him unfit or do something worse---which I wouldn't put it past them. The evil demonRats are waiting for Kamala to take his place.
Opening Ceremonies at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library - 11/4/91
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This was in my YouTube feed last night. I am glad it was because I got to watch 5 living Presidents of the United States make speeches on how strong our republic America was. It ended with Lee Greenwood singing, 'God Bless the USA'. The tears came and deep remorse came over me knowing how much America has changed since this event in 1991. We are no longer the proud, strong and free America that we once were. We were warned by our American forefathers and by our past presidents about becoming complacent and falling. But we didn't listen...and now we have allowed the Socialist Marxist agenda to rear its ugly head and win. Freedom is eroding before our very eyes while technocracy and Socialism permeates the very fabric of our society. God have mercy on America.
Twitter's 'Birdwatch' Will Target Christians and Conservatives. Persecut...
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Daniel 10:1-21 Reading and Commentary. Daniel's Visions of Our Time ---...
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David Prayed for Punishment Over His Enemies. Does God Allow Us to Do th...
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