America is Falling and Will Not Get Back Up! This has magnified exponentially in 2020. I truly believe that the year 2020 is a wake up call to sleeping Christians for them to see with 20-20 vision that the return of Christ is imminent! If you don't see how we have entered the Twilight Zone this year with all that has happened, then you are living under a rock! The violence and hate for others has escalated so much that we could be headed for civil unrest like we have never seen before. I believe many could lose their lives to violence and lose their homes and businesses to arson. It doesn't matter who wins this election, because there will be intensified turmoil regardless of the outcome. Many people --- including believers in Christ, think everything will be just fine and back to normal someday soon. That is furthest from the truth! America is falling and will very soon be no more. True born again believers in Christ should realize that this has to happen for the new world ...