The Shemitah Unraveled: What 2015-2016 Could Bring
The Shemitah Unraveled: What 2015-2016 Could Bring The 'Shemitah' happens every seven year Biblical cycle. We are in the current one from September 2014 to September 2015. From Sept. 2015 to Sept. 2016 will be called a Super Shemitah---the year of Jubilee. Excerpt from the article---"The Shemitah is meant to be a blessing, but when Israel turned away from God it became "a sign of judgment on a nation that has driven God out of its life." Are we in the end of the end times? I believe we are. Is it possible that we are about to enter the Tribulation period? The last day of a Shemitah is called "wipe-out day". It really feels like everything is speeding up and escalating. The sheep is being separated from the goats. We need to be prepared for judgement upon America. I believe the rapture of the church is closer than ever. Of course God is not bound by these cycles, but America is headed for horrible judgements. The next three months could...